According to the Gallup Organization, Americans are highly likely to experience a crime involving personal property. 14% of survey respondents said they’d been victims of money or property theft in the previous 12 months. 12% of respondents had property damaged by vandalism. Finally, 5% reported their homes had been burglarized in 2021–up from only 2% the previous year.
The most straightforward way to protect your home and personal property from theft, vandalism, or other criminal activity is with a complete home security and camera surveillance system. While every big-box retailer has a system that can be purchased over the counter and installed quickly, it’s essential to do your research before making the purchase. Many of these inexpensive systems lack the surveillance system quality necessary to be effective against deterring or reporting crime.
Why you need a professional camera surveillance system quality installation:
Clarity. Just as you’ve likely noticed changes in the quality of your photographs from your first 1.3-megapixel digital camera to your current 12 megapixel Apple iPhone, surveillance cameras also experience differences in quality. There are two reasons you need cameras–to discern what is going on around your property and to identify perpetrators later. Inexpensive surveillance camera sets often lack the necessary quality to get clear, wide-angle pictures to effectively do either of those tasks.
- Functionality. Have you ever tried to take a picture in dim light? The best conditions for criminals to venture onto your property are when it is dark, foggy, or otherwise unclear. Effective surveillance cameras require high-end technology to capture footage under the most challenging conditions, including pitch-black evenings.
- Viewspan. If a perpetrator can see a camera, they will try to avoid it. Thus, to catch a criminal on camera, the lens must be able to capture a wide panorama. Cameras with limited views like those on popular surveillance doorbells often miss most criminal activity. Quality, professional cameras will have wider angles with a greater field of view, fisheye lenses with up to 360-degree viewing, zoom capabilities, or multiple lenses to capture all the angles.
- Storage. To catch a criminal, you need good file footage. Not all surveillance systems store footage in the same manner. Some may only save a couple of hours of footage, while others only begin to save data when you ask them to start recording. Professional security systems with surveillance cameras can store more data, so you can rest assured you will have the footage you need to provide authorities with sufficient evidence to capture the perpetrator.
- Professional support. Your home security and cameral surveillance system are essential parts of your family’s safety. If you encounter any difficulties or challenges, the last thing you want to do is phone a call center in another state or across the world to get assistance. When you hire the professionals at Accurate Electronic Interiors to install your systems, you have a local team ready to help you with anything you may need.
If you’re looking for the most qualified retailer of home security and camera surveillance systems, visit us at Accurate Electronic Interiors.
Our Founder and President, Dennis Lane, spent 13 years working in the technology industry in Seattle and Bellevue, Washington. He has a deep understanding of integrating technology systems that work together to provide families with the convenience and security they desire. Accurate Electronic Interiors will help you select the right system for your needs and your budget, and then make sure it’s properly installed to provide you with the experience you dreamed about. Stop by our showroom today and learn more about how home automation can change your life!