It’s hard to live in a house today without considering it a “smart home.” The Internet of Things (IoT) encompasses all of the technologies connected to and operated by the use of the internet. Today, consumers rely on internet connectivity to run lights, window blinds, listen to music on distributed speakers, watch streaming services, monitor home security, etc. Gone are the days of screeching dial-up internet sessions to a new reality where 24/7/365 internet connectivity is the lifeblood of our home’s operations and communication with the world.
How much bandwidth do you need?
The amount of bandwidth you need to support all the internet-connected devices you use, including smart home technology, depends on how many devices you use and what types they are. For example, any device with video (streaming services or security monitoring platforms) and gaming services generally requires the most bandwidth. Your internet provider or a qualified smart home professional will be able to discuss your needs with you and determine how much bandwidth you need.
What should you do to optimize internet speed if you’re not getting what you expect from your bandwidth?
If you’re suffering from sluggish speeds or lack of connectivity, there are several things you can do to figure out what’s going on and improve the internet speed in your home.
- Check your devices. Frequently, devices can have programs running in the background or perform automatic software updates or data backups during inconvenient times. Rescheduling automated operations on phones and computers will sometimes be enough to regain the bandwidth you need. Another solution can be to reboot your computer and devices to unlock any processes they may be “stuck on.” While you’re at it, disconnect unused devices from your internet to avoid wasting bandwidth.
- Upgrade your Wi-Fi router. As with any technology-based device, wireless routers also have a limited lifespan. The router is the device that receives an internet signal and connects it to your home network. Internet providers will often offer free Wi-Fi router upgrades, or you might consider purchasing your own from a home automation dealer or technology professional.
- Contact your internet provider. Many factors could be affecting your bandwidth, including poor connections, damaged lines, or not enough service to support your neighborhood. Ask your internet provider to troubleshoot issues you have, and let them know you expect the quality of service you are paying for.
- Review available internet plans. If you have more than one internet service provider in your area, talk with their customers to learn more about their experiences. Also, many providers are offering more extensive bandwidth options to accommodate the greater number of IoT devices most homes now have.
- Leave it in the hands of experienced professionals. Understanding how a home network is designed and troubleshooting performance are complex. Contact your trusted home automation professionals to examine your system and help you make the changes necessary to optimize your home automation system.
Optimize internet speed and home automation with expert advice from Accurate Electronic Interiors.
Being at home should be relaxing and comfortable. Home automation takes care of all the little details so you can kick back and enjoy your best life. Professional home automation systems give you the assurance all your components will work the way you want them to, and installers will do all the hard work for you.
If you’d like to treat yourself to years of convenience and more home enjoyment, talk with our professionals at Accurate Electronic Interiors. We are Southern Oregon’s first choice in home theater and SMART home electronics design and installation. Our teams install quality electronic systems that seamlessly automate your home theater, window coverings, lighting, outlets, surveillance system, and more. Visit our showroom or give us a call to learn more about how we can make your life easier.