
Tips to Make a Home Theater Affordable

Home theaters use modern audio and video equipment to create an immersive experience resembling a commercial movie theater.  Over the years, the technology to connect components, the quality of projectors and speakers, and the methods in which movies and music are accessed have evolved, making today’s home theaters better than ever.  The good news is […]

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What is the Internet of Things, and How is it Getting Into My House?

It may sound like some kind of spyware, but it’s actually a tremendous evolution in technology.  The Internet of Things (IoT) is a relatively new term that describes the proliferation of technology-based devices that are connected to the internet.  This connectivity allows the device to be controlled by another remote device with internet access such […]

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Can a Smarthome Make You Healthier?

There’s no doubt implementing systems like voice-controlled lighting, distributed music, home theater technology, and modern surveillance cameras can make you feel more comfortable and secure at home.  But are there other ways that “smart technology” can increase your health and wellness? Absolutely.  In fact, based on your individual needs and lifestyle, there are plenty of […]

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Adding Your HVAC to Your Smart Home Makes Your House Comfortable 24/7

When people think about implementing smart home technology, often they are considering automating their lights and creating home theater experiences.  Yet one of the most value-added ways to improve your home is to connect your HVAC system to your smart home technology. What is HVAC? This is your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system.  HVAC […]

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Your Surveillance System Quality Matters

According to the Gallup Organization, Americans are highly likely to experience a crime involving personal property.  14% of survey respondents said they’d been victims of money or property theft in the previous 12 months.  12% of respondents had property damaged by vandalism.  Finally, 5% reported their homes had been burglarized in 2021–up from only 2% […]

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How to Automate Your Home for the Holidays

What better way to celebrate the holidays than to sit back and allow your home automation system to bring the festive spirit to you!  Holiday decorations, music, and movies are more enjoyable when controlled by a centralized home automation system.  When you automate your home for the holidays, you’ll love the season even more! Five […]

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What’s the Best Medium for Music: Vinyl, CDs, or Streaming Services?

In today’s technology-driven world, it’s easy to feel that streaming services like Pandora, Spotify, and Apple Music dominate the music world.  Yet, dedicated musicphiles are keeping the operations of local record stores going strong.  What’s better–maintaining your physical vinyl, CDs, or streaming services subscription? Vinyl Does it surprise you that vinyl record sales are on […]

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Six Reasons You Should Have Automated Blinds

Window treatments are often one of the most overlooked elements in home renovations.  Once blinds or curtains are installed, they are likely to remain in place for decades.  However, now is a perfect time to reconsider your window coverings and make the leap to automated blinds. Benefits of Automated Blinds Do you have windows that […]

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Designing the Perfect Home Theater

Creating the perfect home theater experience in your personal abode is a great way to entertain friends and family.  Viewing movies or watching a live football game in comfortable chairs that each have a perfect line of sight to the screen and hearing the action from strategically positioned speakers in an experience like none other.  […]

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Home Automation Can Light Up Your Life

Let’s face it, as much as we enjoy a reprieve from the hot rays of the summer sun, the cold winds and shorter days can be a bit depressing.  For many “nine-to-fivers” out there, it’s not long before it’s dark on the drive to work and dark for the drive home. Home automation makes all […]

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